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PHP PHP Arrays and Control Structures PHP Arrays Multidimensional Arrays

How do I add a name and an email to the page from the Multi-dimensional array key-value pairs?

I'm trying to use var_dump() is that the right way to go about doing this?

//edit this array
$contacts = array(
  array('name'=>'Alena Holligan',
  array('name'=>'Dave McFarland',
  array('name'=>'Treasure Porth',
  array('name'=>'Andrew Chalkley',

echo "<ul>\n";
//$contacts[0] will return 'Alena Holligan' in our simple array of names.
echo "<li> var_dump($contacts[0]['name']);var_dump($contacts[0]['email']);</li>\n";
echo "<li> var_dump($contacts[1]['name']);var_dump($contacts[1]['email']);</li>\n";
echo "<li> var_dump($contacts[2]['name']);var_dump($contacts[2]['email']);</li>\n";
echo "<li> var_dump($contacts[3]['name']);var_dump($contacts[3]['email']);</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

Congratulations on resolving your own issue! :+1:

1 Answer

I found what I needed here: I think I was over-complicating the task at hand in my head. https://teamtreehouse.com/community/cannot-get-past-this-exercise